Genesis Quest Walkthru by Mike Gerwat. A few notes to start with: Firstly, to all fans of the rock band genesis, I dedicate this small game to the music I so loved before I lost all my hearing. I have never had sight, and lost my hearing, (see about the author for more details). For fans of the albums, I have only based the text loosely on some of the tracks. I have changed outcomes to suit the game, it couldn't be absolutely canon unfortunately. Oh, the notes in the parchment later on referring to the "slippermen" I didn't actually put that world in for obvious reasons, a bit close to the bone for some tastes I was told. However,i left the reference on the parchment just for a red herring as it were. Secondly, there are many possibilities whilst playing this game, in the flat at the start of the game and beyond, you have several ways in which the game may be played. I leave you the player to work some of them out. This walkthrough will take you basically through the game, though I will outline all the possibilities in the flat. I think, by the end you may be as confused as I was and i've buggared myself playing my own game many a time and I, along with Al Golden who kindly coded it for me, have set up a hair pulling game for players. My faithful tester Toby ott, has spent long patient hours, as I have myself in testing the game. As far as we know, there are no bugs in it. Feel free to report any to me at the email address given in the credits. Good luck, you're going to need it. Okay, let's get on then. Don't skip the intro, at least not at first, it gives background information for your progress through these strange worlds. Okay, you are somewhat of a untidy person, you don't have much money, but you do keep a stash hidden away for emergencies, and these can well happen. The characters in the game are based on some of my personal friends who know their part in it all. I have had many a laugh with them over its creation. So, here you are in your bedroom, it's untidy and there is a dresser, a bed and your old stereo. See description. It is essential that, you play the record in the album on your stereo not a reliable piece of equipment I'm afraid and, it may not work, or even catch fire! But all this is for later. Firstly, we need to gather together some things we need to take with us, and first we must find something to put them in. That bed now, seems to me to be a good place to look. Examine my posh clothes ha? Somewhat unusual, OPEN CLOSET X CLOTHES (picked them up in a charity shop we did). LOOK UNDER BED TAKE SACK WEAR SACK OPEN SACK Ah, here it is your trusty sack, what adventure game would be without one. Examine it then open it to see its contents. Now there's a few things in here already, a small mirror, examine it, to find out more. A hunters horn, again examine it to find out more about it. And yes, a trusty flashlight, again what game would be with out one. Ah, there's a coupon here as well. Read it, I know, that supermarket closed down years ago and those prices! But all will be revealed in time. Let's grab those things we need first. Examine the dreser then open the drawer. Ah now what's in here? This depends on what is going on and what state the game is in. Certainly that swim suit looks interesting. There may, or may not be a real of tape used on a recorder if there is, take it. Now, you have the sack put the suit in it and keep hold of the reel. Where there's a reel of recording tape, there must be a recorder somewhere. We'll move south in to the living room. SOUTH X TABLE X PHONE Open left drawer. Well that was a lot of help wasn't it? Nothing in here just a lighter. Oh but there's more.Search the left drawer. Now this is interesting: A flyer, read it. Wow, a stereo shop and tech place, how convenient that may be, or will it? The bloke who owns it stands no nonsense and can raise his prices up at a the stroke of a pen without warning, so beware. Look at the list of prices, there's a clue to what may be going on. Here is where the game can get complex, but first, let's grab up a couple more things. Open the right drawer. A newspaper and a magnifying glass. How interesting. Put the glass in the sack and take the newspaper. Whoops, now a few things can happen here, three actually. You get told the newspaper crumbles in your hands because it's so old, zap one newspaper, oh dear, but don't worry, we'll get it back later. Secondly, you can get the newspaper, but you squint at it and can't read it. Try taking the glass and reading it. Well, that's a bit better but not good enough, put it in the sack then. Or, you could be told it's old but can be read. If so, read it, but whatever you do, you must put it in the sack. Well now, that right drawer, remember how we found nothing in the left one? Now search it. That's interesting, a check book and a pen. These will be needed later. You will also find, in your sack, a wallet. OPEN WALLET. (There's an ID card and your trusty credit card, mind you, you've got problems there. X CREDIT CARD. (no credit on it at all). We must fix that, before we leave the flat, after all, we may just need it.Fixing the card may not be as easy as it seems either, but more of that later. Now, we've nearly finished in here, for now anyway. If you look in your sack again, you will find a sheath, wear it. Examine it, there is a knife inside it. Remove the knife. What, it may, or may not be sharp. If it's sharp, simply put it back inside the sheath for now, we will use it later. Let's head west into the kitchen. A crowded place this. Oh I haven't forgotten the phone or the computer on the large table in the living room, we'll deal with those very soon. For now though, look at the long description of this room, there's lots to see and find in here. First things first. Examine the counter or worktop. Now open the drawer. Well darn me, just some stuff. Come on, you should know by now, that this just can't be true. Search the drawer. How useful a bit of old rag. Examine it to find out more, didn't help much did it really. Take it with you, put it in the sack, though you don't know it, that rag is one of the linchpins of the whole game. Now, that knife of yours, was it "dull as yesterdays news" if so, we must sort out that problem and another one while we are in here. Open cupboard now this is interesting, if there was a reel of tape in the bedroom, you will find a tape recorder to put the reel on. You can only carry five things at once so make sure you can take these things and don't carry too many at one time, or you'll get buggered. Now, those cans in the cupboard, they could be worth searching "search cans" just what the doctor ordered, a knife sharpener. Well, take sharpener and sharpen the knife and put it away in the sheath, you now can carry something else then. Let's try that tape recorder out shall we? EAST (back into the living room). PUT RECORDER ON TABLE PUT THE REEL ON RECORDER. TURN RECORDER ON Two things can happen here: Either it will work, and the tape plays, or darn it, you've no batteries for the tape recorder. What a pain, what to do now? If however, the tape recorder does work, listen very carefully for the long rather rambling text, yes i know, it's long but that's deliberate, what you need to do here, is to write down the passwords you will be told about. Make a note of them because there's 12 of them to work through later on in the game and only one will work, more about that anon. If however, the tape wouldn't play, we need to find another way to play the record, which is in the bedroom. Remember from the earlier description? Okay, but we've to establish a few things first, before all this can be done. Examine the phone, there may well be an unpaid phone bill on the table, along with the phone and computer. TURN ON COMPUTER. It is either working or not. Is there an unpaid phone bill on the table? If so, you've got problems because, even if the phone is working, you can't use it until the bill is paid. If the computer is working and the phone bill isn't paid you won't be able to access the internet or another area that yu will need to Okay, examine the phone. What, it's dirty? What are rags for? Take the rag and clean the phone. Once you've done this, you will see a list of numbers. Read list. There's a long list of people on there and most of them we must ring before we depart. There's still such a lot we don't know as yet,but we'll soon find out. Okay, let's get to the living room. Pick up the phone: What, the damn bill isn't paid? If this is the case, then we've a lot of searching to do for our damn mobile. Now where the hell did you put it, that's the question. Okay, it's also possible that, the bill is paid but the damn phone isn't working, again, you must search for the mobile if that's the case. Mobile searching. If it turns out you must find the mobile there are lots of damn places in this small flat to look. Under the living room table, under the bed or behind it in the bedroom, under the sink in bathroom or kitchen, in both sinks as well or behind them, behind the dresser, under it, behind the stove, in the stove or under it, behind the fridge, in it, or under it, in the cupboard, oh, and did I forget to tell you there’s a closet in the bedroom not a very nice place. God, how long since you looked in there, search the rags, it may be there. You've done all that and nothing turned up? Well now, that's possible as well, darn it, where can that mobile be? We'll come to that in a minute. Normally, if you can't use the phone and the bill isn't paid, the mobile will turn up. Let's suppose then, that the mobile turns up, examine it, oh no, it's a real cheap job, one of those crappy things you picked up at your local store and guess what, you can't check bank accounts with it or send texts. It does have minutes on it though, or does it? If not, then you WILL have to restart the game. This is the only timne that you will have to do that. The game randomizes a crap house full of things when it is started and the game will inform you if that is the case if the phone is out of order, the phone bill is unpaid or the phone on the table is shot. Usually though, there will be minutes on the mobile. Let's take the worst case then. The mobile is dumb, meaning you can only call out on it. Okay, did you read the flyer? If you did, and you only get one chance by the way, you will have seen a list of prices on it. This list actually tells you what problems you are up against, depending on the situations, your stereo could be not working, you may have a missing record in your album, the needle may need replacing on the stereo or, and this is really tricky, when you come to play your record, the damn stereo will catch fire. All these situations may or may not happen. Let us suppose the very worst situation is going on, you have no working stereo, coffee machine, your mobile is dumb and no coffee or milk either, you are in a pickle aren't you? Oh, there's worst to come also, it may be, that your bank account is empty as well. How do we find out? Well firstly, there's a list of numbers you must read, these are on your trusty house phone. You may have to clean the phone first of course. If so,take rag clean phone with rag Ah, that's better now READ LIST Seven numbers on here. Trouble is, you don't know if your mates are at home or not. Add to this, some may or may not help you. Keep calm don't panic just scream hee hee. Let's get first things sorted first. Graham has given you prices for the things you can get repaired or replaced, however, he can become greedy, he may want either cash or a check. This is where it gets really tricky. TURN ON MOBILE CALL BANK You will be told whether your account is empty or full with money in it. Let's see, did you see there was no money in there? The game will tell you, there's hidden money about somewhere. Where do all good folks hide their money in the detective stories then? Yes, you've guessed it, in the mattress. Okay, we've already sharpened that knife in your sheath. Head for the bedroom then. TAKE KNIFE CUT MATTRESS WITH KNIFE Now you can get covered with dust, cough a bit then repeat the command. Aah that's better there's a large envelope here. Take your trusty wallet now and open it. In there, you'll see your credit card, not much good to you examine it and you'll see you've used up all your credit. You're going to need that later in the game, what to do? Well, firstly: OPEN ENVELOPE TAKE WALLET OPEN WALLET PUT MONEY IN WALLET 2,000 pounds are now placed in your wallet At some time, you must put cash in your bank since you don't know how Graham will want payment. The best thing to do here, is to get the rest of the money placed in your bank account, usually, this will solve the problem, we'll come to what happens if Graham is greedy and believe me, he can be. Better put your knife back in the sheath so you can carry more things. Now to get that cash in the bank. Your two long suffering ladies are the answer here, Pat and Gina. One of them is surely going to help you. Either of them may be disagreeable, you've caused them enough trouble in the past as the text plainly says. Well, let's try calling Gina. Turn on your mobile, it has a habit of turning itself off from time to time. CALL GINA If she's there, and there's a chance she may be out, she'll pick up the phone. TELL GINA (or PAT) ABOUT CASH If she's in a good mood, she'll be a bit annoyed but she will come to help you. If she's not, simply CALL PAT Pat or Gina will agree to take your money to the bank for you. Take that check book, put it on the table open it TAKE SLIP TAKE PEN FILL OUT SLIP by this time, Gina or Pat may well have appeared. GIVE SLIP TO GINA (or PAT) GIVE ENVELOPE TO GINA (or PAT) GINA, DEPOSIT ENVELOPE Type that exactly as I've done it or the command won't work. Off she goes, now wait for her return. She will give you the receipt, you toss it away anyway. Trouble is, you can't check your account yet, your mobile is only dumb and it needs upgrading. Right, we've read the flyer, on it, would be the list of things that have to be sorted this varies from game to game. We'll take the worst. Go to the living room CALL GRAHAM TELL GRAHAM ABOUT (EITHER MOBILE OR CHIP) Okay take a check out of the checkbook. Now you've got a check ready to write, don't do it yet because Graham has a habit of being greedy, if you write the check now, you may annoy him and you really don't want to do that, besides, he can also ask or cash as well instead and again, he can be greedy. Wait a few times, till you hear a knock on the door. Now, there's several options here. Make sure your wallet is open as well, he could well want cash. If he asks for a check, of course, we've put the cash in the bank, so we know there's money in your account simply take your pen and write a check for chip (or mobile) if you write one for a new mobile completely it will cost you more but it's possible there's no credit on your older mobile, so you are best telling him about a mobile than writing a check for one. If he wants cash simply PAY GRAHAM FOR CHIP (OR MOBILE) He will either upgrade your mobile or give you a nice brand new smart one. How lovely, now we can do all sorts of thngs besides call out. Note here, that when you first call the bank. It may have money in your account. Now of course, you don't need to mess about with any envelopes. What you do here, is to get your wallet, open it. You'll see an ID card in there. Take a check from the book, making sure it's open first, write check for cash. Now, as above, call Pat, or Gina, tell them about cash. Pat, or Gina will come and this time. Give id card to Pat or Gina. Then give check to Pat, or Gina, they will go away, bring back your money. You put it in your wallet automatically and then carry on with the game. Now there's money in your wallet in case cash is needed (next up, we need to check your account. TURN ON THE MOBILE CHECK ACCOUNT Ah yes we've plenty of money in there but what about our credit card, that's empty. Make sure you close your wallet, now TRANSFER FUNDS TO CARD Whoopee! We've 1,000 pounds now on our credit card now and you'll need it later in the game. Next, let's check if the stereo or coffee machine are working properly. Go north to your bedroom PLUG STEREO IN TURN ON STEREO Damn it, it's not working SOUTH YES, you've guessed it, it's time to call in that Graham again, he's certainly making a fortune here isn't he? TURN ON MOBILE Always check for that, it has a habit of turning itself off at the drop of a hat. CALL GRAHAM TELL GRAHAM ABOUT STEREO Okay, he's on his way. If he's asked for cash for the mobile, he'll do the same for all the rest of the items here if he's asked for a check then take your pen and WRITE CHECK FOR STEREO REPAIRS You must type this if you want your stereo repaired. Now, it's time to check out your coffee machine, really you should look after stuff better. Head west in to the kitchen. PLUG MACHINE IN TURN ON MACHINE (not again, damn thing isn't working? Well, you know what to do. Back to the living room snordom, it's time to get that long suffering Graham back again yes and this time after calling his number TELL GRAHAM ABOUT MACHINE wait until he comes if it's cash PAY GRAHAM FOR MACHINE REPAIRS if it's check WRITE CHECK FOR MACHINE REPAIRS oh, if it was cash for the stereo ditto the same PAY GRAHAM FOR STEREO REPAIRS Boy oh boy this flat is taking some sorting and you are not done yet, not by a long shot. Okay, now we've to try and contact al and Toby, you must ring both of them or text them. If you don't you'll be in deep trouble later on. TURN ON MOBILE (only if houses phone isn't working or phonebill isn't paid) CALL AL if he picks up the phone, TALK TO AL You'll get a load of text but basically he's coming over from the states,he's heard about this place that does lovely seafood, pawns in fact and he's got a ticket to see the genesis tour. How lovely, well is that interesting We'll see later in the game why you had to ring him, he's arranged to meet you at a certain restaurant later. If he's not at home, and that' quite likely, then yes, we must send him a text or e-mail. TYPE TEXT (or MAIL) ON MOBILE SEND TEXT TO AL Wait a little till he replies, you'll get much the same text back as you did when you rang him. Now it's time to call Toby Making sure your mobile is on, the game will let you know if not, CALL TOBY if he's at home TALK TO TOBY You'll get a load of stuff about you both playing games but amongst this text is a strange dream Toby had, take note of this because it gives clues to a later situation. Okay, turn off your mobile if it's not turned itself off. For now, drop the pen, we don't need it any more and you can only carry five things at one time. Course, we may well need that pen again, it all depends. What next then? Time we tried to play that record. It's very important because within it, there are 12 passwords. Each one can be used to buy stuff on our credit card. The game randomizes which password it is. When the time comes, we'll save, to make sure we can get the right one, oh, even if we do, it gets changed for later on in the game. Didn'ti tell you this was a hair puller? Okay, let's try and play that record. We already know the tape recorder was busted. Sometimes of course when you play, you may be lucky and it's working, saving you all this trouble but don't count on it. Okay, back to your bedroom. Now you can PLUG STEREO IN TURN ON STEREO Ah, it works well how wonderful. TAKE ALBUM REMOVE RECORD FROM ALBUM (Oh no, don't tell me there's no record in there, where the hell did you put that? Well you can search around if you like, but it won't help. Ah me, back to Graham you go. He can cut you a new one. You know what to do now don't you yes, your mobile CALL GRAHAM TELL GRAHAM ABOUT RECORD again, if cash PAY GRAHAM FOR RECORD or if it's a check WRITE CHECK FOR RECORD back you go again, God this is getting boring isn't it PUT RECORD ON TURNTABLE SET KNOB TO HALF, (don't turn it up full or your upstairs flat person won't be pleased and he's not nice). SET LEVER TO AUTO this, so the machine will play all twelve tracks, you hope anyway. SAVE Now the big moment. PULL LEVER. Oh for heavens sake, now the needle is worn out Back to the living room, for turn on your mobile only works in here, lousy mobile isn't it. Yes you've guessed it CALL GRAHAM. TELL GRAHAM ABOUT NEEDLE. If cash: PAY GRAHAM FOR NEEDLE if check: WRITE CHECK FOR NEEDLE now you can go back and play that record back to the bedroom first PUT NEEDLE IN ARM SET LEVER TO AUTO PULL LEVER You what, this is getting a bit much, he's given you a bad needle, well, you'll sort him out, the rotter. CALL GRAHAM TELL GRAHAM ABOUT NEEDLE He will return and give you a new needle,i should think so as well, the twister. PUT NEEDLE IN ARM SET LEVER TO AUTO PULL LEVER The record should play now. Write down all the passwords because you'll have to try them later to buy things in the supermarket and at the end game. There's one further possibility with that stereo. If you get it repaired and go through the playing routine, after having, and it's always advisable to save before you try playing the record, PULL LEVER Hey! This is a bit much now the stereo has caught fire, you've a fire in your flat and you'd better get it under control very quickly. Okay don't panic, UNPLUG STEREO SOUTH (to the living room) TURN ON MOBILE CALL FIREHOUSE Ah, they've arrived in the nick of time, you've no stereo or record now though. Yes, you know what to do CALL GRAHAM TELL GRAHAM ABOUT STEREO (as before) now he'll come. If he's greedy and wants cash, you won't have enough, he'll agree to take a check though WRITE CHECK FOR STEREO Okay, he's given you a new one and this time it will all work, you have a new record as well, it may have cost you a fortune but you've at least got it now. Well, now our stereo is done, you've played the record, written down the passwords,i think you deserve a break in fact, why not a nice cup of coffee. West from the living room in to the kitchen again. Close the cupboard and open it again, ah, here's some things in here, a large cup, a small cup, a thermos what the hell, you've run out of your favourite coffee. Well, let's see if you've at least any milk open fridge some stuff in here. What, no milk or you may have a carton in there, better check it's fresh though OPEN CARTON SMELL MILK Yuck, it's horrible, you'll have to buy some more. But you may be lucky and it's fresh as a daisy. Let's suppose you need new milk and coffee then. Back to the living room Call Gina, or Pat, depending who was agreeable last time. They may have gone out so you'll have to send a text to either Gina or Pat if you do, the formula here is as follows WRITE TEXT (or MAIL) ON MOBILE TELL PAT (or GINA) ABOUT COFFEE (or MILK) if you ring them CALL PAT TELL PAT, (OR GINA) ABOUT MILK AND COFFEE If the milk is fresh of course, you just need to tell her about coffee. If the coffee was in the cupboard you just need to tell her about milk. Confused yet, you should be. Okay, wait for Pat, (or Gina) to come. Now you need to give money to Pat (or Gina) she will leave and wait a few turns for her to return with your milk and coffee. How lovely to have friends isn't it. You may be wondering why the hell you can't go and get the stuff yourself. Oh, there is a reason, but that's at the very end of the game. Now to make that long over due coffee. WEST (into the kitchen). If I had a coffee machine like this one,i think u'd stick to tea! Okay here we go. SAVE (before you get started on this, it may take some time). You will see, that there are three types of beans here, choose your favourite one. I prefer latte so let's use that as an example. TAKE LATTE now, you'll see, if you examined the machine, you did didn't you? That there are two sized filters, one single and one double. We want the double one put latte in double okay, now we've to TAMP LATTE BEANS DOWN now, you'll have noticed a porta filter, PUT DOUBLE IN PORTA ATTACH PORTA TO MACHINE REMOVE MILK RESERVOIR FROM MACHINE OPEN CARTON FILL MILK RESERVOIR ATTACH MILK RESERVOIR TO MACHINE (Boy where is this coffee I'm getting thirsty) REMOVE WATER RESERVOIR FROM MACHINE TURN ON SINK FILL WATER RESERVOIR ATTACH WATER RESERVOIR TO MACHINE (no you're not done yet, better save here) SET CUP SIZER TO LARGE SET DIAL TO LATTE (or whatever type of coffee you took) TAKE LARGE CUP PUT LARGE CUP UNDER BREWHEAD AIM TUBE AT LARGE CUP TURN ON MACHINE SAVE (just in case you've forgotten anything) PRESS LATTE BUTTON (at last a lovely large cup of coffee). (You could drink it now and it would taste really good, but I wouldn't if I were you, always wise not to do the obvious. Remember that thermos? It's not there for nothing you know TAKE LARGE CUP OPEN THERMOS POUR LARGE CUP (or COFFEE) INTO THERMOS right, your coffee is now safely in the thermos. DROP THE LARGE CUP, (You don't need it any more). That small cup isn't there for show either. TAKE SMALL CUP now, if you can't resist having a drink, and I wouldn't blame you after all this trouble, POUR THERMOS (OR COFFEE) INTO SMALL CUP DRINK COFFEE ah, that tasted good don't be tempted however to have another one, that game will tempt you, don't you do it, you'll regret it later if you do. CLOSE THERMOS PUT THERMOS, SMALL CUP IN SACK. Now, you could have simply put the cup and thermos in the sack, remembering to close the thermos of course and kept all the coffee in the thermos. We've chosen to drink half of it now though, for a reason which you will see later in the game. Well, we are now done in the flat. Okay, now it's that moment of truth. Before you set off to other worlds though, better check your sack. If you haven't done so, put your mobile in your sack Now check your sack you must have: The swim suit, the magnifying glass and the cloth rag. The knife must be sharp and be in the sheath, you must wear the sheath and maybe you have the newspaper, depending on whether it crumbled to dust in your hands. If it did, don't worry you'll get it back and be able to read it. If you couldn't read it before because of the print, again don't worry it will become readable later. Now, if you didn't do the badge routine, which you may have had to do, to find the mobile, do it now. TAKE KNIFE GO TO THE BEDROOM TAKE ALBUM TURN IT OVER SEARCH ALBUM There’s a badge on the back cover. Examine it if you like, you'll get a small clue if you do. PEEL BADGE OFF ALBUM. Now you have the badge SAVE (in case you've forgotten anything before you set off because there's no going back once you wear that badge). WEAR BADGE (hey this is more like it) what a lovely room this is, you could spend all day here but you've no time for that now. SIT ON THE COUCH a woman ELZERITH appears and asks for proof of your identity. You find out her name is Elzerith after you ASK WOMAN ABOUT LAST MEETING. It just gets better and better, but you've to prove who you are first. In answer to her questiontype YES WEAR BADGE again, or she'll disappear and you'll be dumped back in the flat. (talk to her) you'll get a list of things to ask her about. Firstly, ASK ELZERITH ABOUT LAST MEETING if the newspaper couldn't be read or it wasn't there, she'll wave that lovely wand and it will appear. READ NEWSPAPER (if it didn’t disintegrate in the flat) Ah, now all is clear, you've got to save the concert, the band can't get some of their supplies and you have to get them but it won't be easy, not at all. (okay, a couple more things you need to do here. ASK ELZERITH ABOUT FLASHLIGHT she'll ask you for the flashlight GIVE FLASHLIGHT TO ELZERITH she takes it and puts really strong batteries in it for you, you'll need them. ASK ELZERITH ABOUT MIRROR Remember that small mirror in your sack, you did examine it didn't you, do I have to tell you everything? She will ask you for the mirror GIVE MIROR TO ELZERITH lovely, she's given the mirror powers, just what you want. Now make sure you've everything in your sack you should just be carrying the mirror now, oh, after you've read the newspaper, put it in the sack, you can't do without that. SAVE (here now:) TOUCH MIRROR Hey, you've moved on to the mountain of ice, for fans of the band this is "white mountains" well loosely anyway. Okay go north a couple of times here. Hey, it's getting a little colder, better put on some warmer clothes don't you think, they are in the sack WEAR WARM CLOTHES okay but now you need warming up inside as it were or you'll never get past the wolf who is not friendly at all. TAKE CUP TAKE THERMOS OPEN THERMOS POUR THERMOS INTO CUP DRINK COFFEE That's all gone now. You can drop the thermos but, keep the cup and put it in your sack, you'll need it later on. SAVE again here PUT CUP IN SACK PUT MIRROR IN SACK (you don't need it for now, you've a rather nasty wolf to deal with. TAKE FLASHLIGHT go north a couple more times. Ah, now you see why you had to wear the warm clothing it's freezing here and you are on the top of an ice mountain. Save because that flashlight, just may not be reliable TURN ON FLASHLIGHT (if the game says the flashlight won't work simply restore and try again) now you've a reasonably bright light coming from the flashlight, not good enough though. PRESS BUTTON Ah, that's more like it, now you are ready to tackle that wolf. Go north till you can go no further. AIM FLASHLIGHT AT WOLF Well he's in pain but not beaten by a long shot. Keep at it until you see the batteries are getting weaker now. SAVE (because that wolf can kill you) Once again, AIM FLASHLIGHT AT WOLF (until he's blinded at last by that light Got him, he's dead meat now, he's left a lovely crown behind. Examine the crown if you like, there's a clue there, that jewel in it, but that is a long way in the future, you've plenty to go through yet before you can solve that problem. For now:) PUT CROWN IN SACK DOWN Well this is a strange place, a glass path. Examine it you can't go anywhere here at all, if you try you simply keep slipping all the time, well glass is kind of hard to walk on isn't it. Well, what to do here, you did notice there are cinders and ash piled on the side of the path. Well try taking the cinders now put them on the path. Hey that's not helped at all has it, they merely are dumped on the path. This path is long and you need some way to make it safe to walk on. Quite a problem isn't it? SEARCH CINDERS G G (Ah, there's a piece of leather here). TAKE LEATHER EXAMINE IT. You've played Zork haven't you? Well inflate leather. No pump I'm afraid, just good old lung power. TAKE CINDERS PUT CINDERS IN BAG (keep at it until the bag is full). Trouble is, those cinders good as they are are just not the right consistency yet. CLOSE BAG now, here's the trick, this got you all I bet. SQUEEZE BAG G G Now they are powdery. If you do it a fourth time, when you open the bag, the power will be too light and will simply float away on the wind. INFLATE BAG TAKE CINDERRS SCATTER CINDERS EAST Repeat the 3 steps until you reach the end of the glass path. You will run out of cinders. Put the bag in the sack, that's very important and that bag is extremely valuable and useful later on. EAST What a lovely place and that pool looks really tempting, just right for a swim! Don't you believe it, though we have to do that, but not just yet. Again, for Genesis fans, recognise ripples here gaze into pool Ah, she's back but she's older now and age catches up with us all. Talk to her so, she's given you a couple of things, better ask her about them ASK ELZERITH ABOUT BOTTLE ASK ELZERITH ABOUT CLOAK Okay, you had to ask her about the cloak last, so she would leave you alone, undressing in front of her will hardly do will it you don't do that to folks with magic powers, not as far as this game goes anyway. So, now she's gone, it's time for that dive. UNDRESS WEAR SUIT That's better, if you'd gone in nude, you'd have been in dead trouble. SAVE (here, because things can happen and you can't undo if they do) Okay, so, now you're ready to DIVE (OR JUMP) INTO POOL Well well, so you got eaten up did you, those harmless nips were much more weren't they? Restore and try again. Keep at it, eventually you will dive for those gloves we need. EXIT Now you've left the pool but there's something irritating your skin, it's not serious but just anything. Better do something about it hadn't we. TAKE BOTTLE TAKE RAG PUT RAG ON NOSE (or COVER NOSE or COVER NOSE WITH RAG) (Remember what she said about the bottle. by the way, the game may say when taking the bottle, which do you mean the thermos or the golden bottle. If it does, say golden bottle okay you've opened the bottle now DRIP LIQUID ON RAG CLOSE GOLDEN BOTTLE REMOVE RAG FROM NOSE (that itching is really getting worse now) RUB SELF WITH RAG X GLOVES (hang on, they are not much use, rusty and nearly falling to bits. You can't wear them, try it but you'll not be able to. What to do? RUB GLOVES WITH RAG Wow, they have come up lovely and shiny now and examine them, really strong gloves, they could protect you, so wear them, they are very flexible and will help you later on. You may as well wear the cloak while you are at it, you'll need it very soon. Okay what next then, there's nowhere you can go from here but first, better pick up your stuff, you'll need it all WEAR SACK, SHEATH Make sure you've got everything with you. Keep the rag on your nose, you're going to need that bottle again soon. Try going all directions. No exits, that's a bother isn't it. That tree could do with looking at more closely. EXAMINE TREE SMELL TREE (phew! it stinks) X TRUNK Well something is strange there but what, there's not much clue there apart from the fact it's a little darker area on the trunk. TAKE GLASS X TRUNK (Ah, now we see it, a small ring in the centre of the trunk). PRESS RING What? You couldn't do it because of the stink of the tree, that's a problem then isn't it. Let's think how to get to that ring. Even with the rag, the stench is far too strong. Okay, keep calm the answer is OPEN BOTTLE (I told you we'd need it again didn't I?) RUB STOPPER ON HANDS CLOSE BOTTLE (we must always do that) now we've some of that lovely smelling liquid on our fingers) TOUCH RING Ah, despite the stench, we can and have, opened the tree and a wind has taken away the smell as well. The tree will give you more information, you can now enter it. Make sure you've left nothing behind, you can't go back for it then ENTER TREE Ah here we are, isn't it lovely in here, singing birds leafy glade and so on There's an easy path going north. Okay take it then. Keep going north, there's lovely scenes to walk through here. What, keep going north, this is a bit off isn't it. Did you save after entering the tree? Really, doi have to do everything for you? Ah this is really a problem, you can go north but you keep coming back to the same place, the path turns itself round all the time and you don't know where you are. Not fair it's, just not playing the game? Well now, how to break this deadlock. You must be by the right part of the path first before you can correct this little problem. Well, the answer is the mirror, that mirror has powers as she told you and now you need them. Okay, just north of the tree is winding path two, it only works if you are at that point. TAKE MIRROR Because as a game writer I'm cruel, I used a slightly different command here. On this occasion though, GAZE (OR STARE) INTO MIRROR (as you did before) Now through the mirror you can see a path going north. Now go north and you'll see the path straightens itself out and you can go north to the Hogweed Forest. SAVE here, (this hogweed stuff is dangerous and can kill you. You need to learn how to control it before you can benefit from it's powers.) Okay, make sure the rag is on your noise,put the mirror in the sack, you can't carry too many things here. TAKE KNIFE Wow, it's still nice and sharp, but not sharp enough to deal with this weed. Make sure, you are wearing the cloak and gloves. You will need to unfold then WEAR CLOAK. TAKE GOLDEN BOTTLE OPEN IT. DRIP LIQUID ON KNIFE (Ah, now it's really sharp) CLOSE BOTTLE (Don't put it in the sack just yet, we need it again soon). TAKE FLASHLIGHT SAVE (Because there's a chance the flashlight may give out on you). TURN ON FLASHLIGHT If the batteries were charged properly, they may not be, if so, restore then the light will come on and be super charged. AIM FLASHLIGHT AT WEED (this has stunned the weed for now anyway). With your super charged sharp knife: CUT WEED G G G SAVE (since it's quite likely that, with the last slash you could get killed). If not, that lovely friendly bird, with the box on its back, will save you. That bird is going to be important later on in the game. Whilst going north, did you hear a bird singing? If so: LISTEN You can then talk to the bird, examine it, see the box on its back. You can't get it right now, it's being taken elsewhere and you'll need it later. Okay, when you've slashed the weed for the last time, the brain will try and kill you. However, that bird likes the taste of brain and will finish off the hogweed for you. We are not quite done with the weed yet though. We want that leaf, it's going to prove very useful. Keep the rag on your nose, you'll regret it if you remove it now. CUT STEM WITH KNIFE (Ah, here's a leaf but it's poisonous. We need to make it harmless, for now anyway.). WRAP LEAF AROUND BOTTLE (Because of the magic nature of the golden bottle, the leaf now turns green and you can put the bottle in the sack.Do that, also turn off your flashlight and put it in the sack. Put that knife away in the sheath as well, you don't need it for a while. Keep the gloves and things on, they will help you later. Right, let's get out of here.) W W SEARCH PATH READ NOTE WHAT YOU CAN'T READ IT? TAKE GLASS READ NOTE (This bloke could do with going back to school couldn't he?) TURN NOTE OVER READ THE BACK (ah, so someone needs prawns does he? keep that in mind.) PUT NOTE AND GLASS IN SACK W N (to the Wharf). (there are other ways of doing some things, at the end of the walkthrough, I'll discuss them) right now though, let's take the easiest way to deal with these fishermen. Talk to fisherman for some background information. We want those prawns they have, harold needs them and it's our ticket into the restaurant. Okay, we need to distract the fishermen somehow. Oh yes, it's our mirror again, how useful this little mirror is proving to be. TAKE MIRROR TOUCH MIRROR. Wow, a mist and now fog has appeared the fishermen didn't really have the heart to fish today by the sounds of it. They are too interested in drinking. However, we don't have a lot of time, they will be back and out for our blood. After all stealing their catch isn't right is it, but needs must I'm afraid, with this option anyway. TAKE BAG INFLATE BAG TAKE PRAWNS PUT PRAWNS IN BAG G SAVE (here, we need just one more lot to put in the bag PUT PRAWNS IN BAG Now they may or may not return. If so: they've caught us, they are not feeling too friendly either. Restore now try again. It may take a few tries and restores here, but eventually you'll put the prawns in the bag. SOUTH (rather quickly with your bootie before you get caught). PUT MIRROR AND BAG IN THE SACK (because we are going to go shopping). SOUTH WEST READ SIGN Ah, what'S this, that place closed down years ago. How can it be here now, but read your coupon and you'll see it certainly is. SAVE (here because you've a lot of things to do at this point) OPEN DOOR IN What a noisy place it is, now, depending on what you did way back in the flat, there may, or may not be a coffee machine here in the market. In our run through, we did put the thermos in the sack and drank a cup of coffee. Had we not drunk any in the flat, there would still be some left in the thermos. At the end of the walkthrough, in alternatives, i'll show you what to do if you've drunk all the coffee at this point. However, for now, let's assume you didn't drink any coffee in the flat. It's time to have another little break and a coffee. You deserve it because you've a lot of other stuff to do before you're finished. TAKE CUP TAKE THERMOS OPEN IT POUR THERMOS INTO CUP DRINK COFFEE Lovely, surprising how coffee helps you remember things isn't it. If you'd not drunk this coffee, you'd forget all your passwords for your credit card and you need them. (for Genesis fans, recognise this bit when we look at the aisles on Selling England by the Pound, the supermarket bit) Okay, time to do a little shopping W W TAKE BATTERIES Go west, lovely food aisles here and those prices! You must have landed in another time, how long has it been since things were so cheap don't bother trying to buy stuff here, you can't take it back to your flat, that's the bother with time travel sometimes. Go west again. Ah, now this is interesting, spare batteries, but, what the hell are mobile phones doing here, they haven't yet been invented, that's why you can't buy them. You can get the batteries though, so take them, you can't put them in your sack though, make sure you are only carrying the batteries, you will lose the thermos and cup after drinking the coffee anyway. N TAKE SHEARS Keep at it, ignore what the game says, you want those shears come what may and you will get them. EAST Gardening stuff, this is interesting and a nice special offer to tempt us a folding shovel, now convenient, easy to carry, special price and on offer for only one day. Well you can get it if you like, but you'll regret it later. X PORTA X SANDY'S You'll find the Sandy’s shovel is much heaver but is far stronger and, as it would turn out, more reliable. TAKE SANDY'S. Now head back to the doorway NORTH (to the checkout stand) SAVE (here because you don't know what is going to happen). TALK TO GIRL (when she's finished chewing gum, she'll tell you whether they are taking cash or credit cards.) if cash: TAKE WALLET, OPEN WALLET GIVE MONEY TO GIRL she will take your cash and you've got all the items. Put them all in your sack now, you've bought them all, so you can leave. If credit card: OPEN WALLET TAKE CREDIT GIVE CREDIT TO HER (I hope you remembered to transfer funds to your card? We did mention it you know). Okay she runs it through her reader and wants your password. SAVE, (because there's 12 passwords to test and you don't know which one will be accepted) You did write the twelve passwords down didn't you. Remember if it's boots-on, to type the dash. Okay, try them, one by one, if you get the wrong one, you loose your card and you don't get the goods either. Okay, once you've tried the passwords and got the right one, you can leave with your goods. Now, put everything in the sack, remembering to put your credit card safely in your wallet, you never know who's about do you, put everything in the sack. SAVE (and let's go get something to eat shall we. East a couple of times and we are back in the town square. East again, takes us to harold the barrels restaurant. Open the door, oh, read the sign to see what you are in for. Enter or IN X MAN (or HAROLD) God, he's huge and it's not all fat, not someone to tangle with. I would have thought. He's a bit rough and ready as well but the place seems very full of people you already know. You did ring al, so soon, he should be here to meet you. However, we've to get past harold, he's not a pleasant person and extremely greedy. However, you have something he needs right now. TAKE BAG GIVE PRAWNS TO HAROLD Ah, his eyes lit up there, just what he needed. You are ushered, well kind of lead to a table. He brings a starter so you may as well tuck in. EAT FOOD G Now wasn't that lovely, perhaps things aren's so bad. WAIT What's that funny smell coming from your bag I wonder, it's not too bad but rather unfortunate. Ah, now who is this turning up, harold seems rather interested in your sack however and he knows there must be more valuable things in there but as yet, he can't get to it. Your mate Al from the states has meanwhile turned up. Talk to him. You can ask him several things. Ask him about the restaurant. He tells you that he's heard of it but as he does, that rat harold is sneaking his hands under the table to get your sack. However, he's going to regret it. He he, that will serve him right, but you need to act now, or everyone else will get killed by this awful stench from that damn leaf. CLOSE SACK Ah, that's better. Harold has recovered a bit now and is looking determined, he wants that sack and nothing is going to stop him, but he's becoming more cunning now. ASK AL ABOUT FOOD Al talks about the food and while he does, that oily slime Harold saddles up with two lovely full plates of delicious food. Wow, Al is impressed with this and is ready to tuck in, as you are. However, you'd better take a moment, just to check. SMELL FOOD Now, that's rather odd, it's smelling lovely but there's just that bit of a strange peppery smell about it, something that shouldn't be there. Better check with al her. AL, SMELL FOOD. Al smells the food as well and notices something as well.Poison, so that's his game is it. He did seem to hurry away after giving the food to you didn't he. You've heard rumours about this bloke. TELL AL ABOUT HAROLD Al now doesn't like what he hears, he hates bankers,lawyers,and politicains and greedy corporatoins.He wants to sort him out once and for all. SOUTH UP You are now on the roof, you've left your sack behind. I know, but don't worry, this is more important, harold must be dealt with. AL, SHOOT HAROLD Rather a drastic solution, but he was carrying a hatchet and he meant to have you if you didn't take some action. He is dispatched but obviously, you've attracted attention to yourselves. Go down and north. Now out you go before the police arrive. Out and you are carrying your sack, it is closed and you need to wear it. Wear your sack SOUTH (before getting caught) WEST Al disappears into the mist, where he has gone, no one knows, not yet at least, you'll meet him again though. Right, let's get going we're off for a bit of ancient legend stuff. For fans of the band, this is the fountains track on nursery crime, but not quite as it happens on the record, well, it is an adventure game isn't it. Firstly though, we've got to get there somehow. W (until you reach the cliff. That smell on the wind could do with investigating). SMELL Ah, it's like tar or old rope? A clue there folks. Search cliff ah well now a convenient rope UNCOIL ROPE TIE ROPE TO TRUNK (that's good now we are ready to climb down, you just try it, but I'd save before you do). Woops, you forgot something didn't you? THROW ROPE OVER CLIFF now you can CLIMB DOWN ROPE. Well well, that helped, in a way anyway, here you are hanging on for dearlife to a rope. Risky this isn't it. LET GO OF ROPE (or RELEASE ROPE) You've arrived safely and yes, another bloody forest. This game is full of the damn things and there's more where they came from. NORTH (until you get to a fountain) SAVE DRINK WATER Oh dear, how unfortunate, you've really done it now, beware beautiful maidens we are told and this one meant you harm didn't she, so you sail off together, literally. Game over. Restore your game, hope you saved as I told you to do. Now, we want that water, but how to sort out that wanton maiden, she can be sorted if you do as I say. TAKE RAG PUT RAG ON NOSE you've done this before of course TAKE BOTTLE (there should be only one now) OPEN BOTTLE DRIP LIQUID ON LEAF (it's still wrapped around the bottle remember?) CLOSE BOTTLE UNWRAP LEAF FROM BOTTLE (while the rag is on your nose) Wow, you did remember to keep the gloves on didn't you, you didn't oh dear, restore and do it again. PUT LEAF IN WATER (gloves must be worn. It sizzles and bubbles and sinks to the bottom of the fountain). Now, leave the rag on the nose because that leaf could still be trouble. DRINK WATER Ah, the maiden appears but that stench from the leaf has left its mark, a ELZERITH appears and coughs and is thwarted in her effort to seduce you, in anger, she disappears into the mist and in her place your pure maid comes back and congratulates you. PUT BOTTLE IN SACK REMOVE RAG FROM NOSE PUT RAG IN SACK (and anything else you may be carrying). TOUCH THE FOUNTAIN Off you go again and yes, another bloody forest. This one is very different though. For fans of the band, we are now at the battle of Epping Forest. And it's certainly going to be one, which you will be involved in. There's a good deal of things to do first though before we get that far. Take your trusty shovel (the sandy's shovel if you bought the porta shovel you have to go back to the market and buy it instead or it's game over Matey). TAKE SHOVEL DIG GROUND G Here we have some lovely worms. Examine that tree, there's your friend the bird with that box, and you want that box very badly because with out it, you can do nothing to solve the next puzzles. Okay, he is not a very trusting bird at all and needs to know exactly who you are to trust you. TAKE BAG AND INFLATE IT TAKE WORMS PUT WORMS IN BAG CLOSE BAG (you must do this, or the worms will escape. They are fine in there with the earth you put in for them). So, now what next? SAVE (because you could well fall out of the tree and die). DROP SHOVEL, (we don't need that heavy thing any more). CLIMB TREE. If all goes well, and it may not, you will reach the bird. He needs to trust you. Remember the badge? SHOW BADGE TO BIRD Ah, he remembers who you are now, takes the badge from you and now, you can feed him OPEN BAG FEED BIRD (or GIVE WORMS TO BIRD) The bird eats all the worms up and is very content. X BIRD, (ah, where did that box go?) Do an inventory and, there it is, you already have it. X TREE X BRANCH SHAKE BRANCH CLIMB DOWN TREE TAKE ACORNS OPEN BAG PUT ACORNS IN BAG (wonder what's in this box?) DROP BOX OPEN IT SEARCH IT Ah, three things, an old rusty piece of wire, what on earth use is that to you, a lump of old rusty wire, the game seems to think it's worthless. TAKE WIRE (the game is reluctant to do this, it may damage the sack it says, you go ahead and take it, you will regret it if you don't) TAKE THE SLINGSHOT (what use is that without things to fire from it?) TAKE PARCHMENT READ IT (oh dear, can't see what it says, what can we do about that?) TAKE GLASS READ PARCHMENT It goes on a bit and there's's lots of clue text in there, not the least of which, if you read carefully, what you need to do next. That line about things that can shake the world. We are about to meet some very unpleasant folks west of here, as the parchment told you and the bird, if you asked him a thing or two. Making sure you have the bag and slingshot and wire in the sack, you can dump the parchment, it's of no further use now. WEST X MAN (he's slimy and can be very nasty, behind that posh accent, there lurks a very dangerous sadistic man. You need information from him though, so talk to roy) ASK MAN ABOUT HIMSELF ASK ROY ABOUT GANGS ASK ROY ABOUT ROB ASK ROY ABOUT LITTLE JOHN ASK ROY ABOUT BILLY ASK ROY ABOUT REVEREND Roy is certainly strange, he's carrying some cake and you want that cake, you are hungry now and fancy a bit of the cake. ASK ROY FOR CAKE (or ABOUT CAKE) (what, he didn't give it to you, well that shows you how devious he can be) TELL ROY ABOUT SLINGSHOT You promise to give him slingshot and acorns later of course. He actually accepts this and you can eat the cake. EAT CAKE Z Z Z SAVE WAIT (until you go back east, that is, if you do it in time. Try going east before you've eaten the cake and you'll do it at your peril because the dust up that's about to start will do just that and you'll get fatally injured.) EAST SAVE (again, because you are about to get involved in a right old dust up). CLIMB TREE OPEN BAG TAKE SLINGSHOT TAKE ACORNS LOAD SLINGSHOT WAIT (one turn. Things are really heating up now, you can see the two gangs really going at each other, chains and bottles flying about all over the place, one just might hit you and if it does, well, it's curtains.) FIRE SLINGSHOT AT SOUTHERN GROUP (or NOTHERN GROUP) Wow, acorns can't hurt anything, oh yes they can, they cause real bother to both groups. To save a lot of typing you can: TAKE ACORNS. LOAD SLINGSHOT. FIRE SLINGSHOT AT SOUTHERN (OR NORTHERN) until the battle is over. Don't forget to: TAKE ACORNS LOAD SLINGSHOT FIRE SLINGSHOT AT NORTHERN (or SOUTHERN) GROUP. I'd save after a couple of turns at this because those bottles and chains are really lethal. If you do this like that, you can simply cursor up and press enter. The same string of commands will operate, course, you've got to read all the text to see what happens. Keep at it, there's lots of folks to kill here. If you don't get zapped by a bottle or flying chain, and there's a good chance you will, all the men will have killed each other and then you can safely climb down the tree. Empty the bag of acorns if ther are any in it. Drop acorns and that slingshot, you don't need them any more. PUT THE BAG IN THE SACK WEST Ah, here's Roy, so affable, you watch your back because he' merely biding his time. There's a sheet of paper on the floor here. TAKE SHEET READ SHEET Well, you're in the papers how nice, listen to the report, the sheet will disappear and now, you can go west again. Well, all those deaths and they could have been avoided, the gang bosses have tossed coins to decide on their territory. Wow, bet you feel a bit breathless, better take a break, have a coffee and get ready for a long journey overseas. Now, what to do here. TAKE MIRROR GAZE (or STARE) INTO MIRROR vague letters flashing on the mirror but you can't quite see what they are, damn it. Well, the answer is obvious. TAKE GLASS LOOK AT MIRROR (ah, you can see flashing neon signs and the word "Broadway") (for fans of the band, some situations from the Lamb Lies Down on Broadway album coming up, slightly varied from the record again though.Okay, now you know what's in store, we have to get there, keep that glass in your hand and now, TOUCH MIRROR Yee Hah! Here we are in the middle of Broadway, apologies to any New York folks who play this game. I don't know the layout of broadway or what it really looks liked. I've never been there and without sight, ah well, it's only a game after all. There's some long descriptions though, based on the ones from the Lamb album loosely anyway. The upshot of all this is that, we need to head east because there's goings on along there. EAST ( until you reach the subway station. This doesn't look too god either. There's nasty set of people here and they are intent on real trouble. That rael guy, examine gang, he's armed with a bottle full of gas and ready to light the rag in it and hurl it at your mate al.) TAKE FLASHLIGHT. SAVE (because it may fail you, just when you need it) TURN ON FLASHLIGHT (okay you need to distract rael from throwing that bottle and barbecuing al). AIM FLASHLIGHT AT RAEL. (damn it, did something go wrong, the button jammed. Restore and try again). Ah, this time that beam parted the crowd and blinded Rael, he carelessly dropped his bottle, but he'd already lit the rag in it, rough justice you may say, but he's toast as it were or would that be roast? Anyway, you've saved your mate Al from a fate worse than death. Time to get out of here. Head north then west a couple of times. Why would Al choose this time to do a bit of shopping? He's seen a bargain in a computer store and wants to investigate. TURN OFF FLASHLIGHT. PUT FLASHLIGHT IN SACK. Make sure you still have that mirror, you're going to need it. Wait a few turns. You don't feel at all safe in these streets, you are uneasy and with good reason. A tap on your shoulder and there he is again. You thought he'd been sorted but no, he's escaped and here he is, with a little message from those bosses of his, they didn't like you interfering their gang fight, you certainly put a spoke in their wheel and roy intends to do the same to you and that knife he's holding is wicked and can really hurt you. However, greed is the ruling emotion in this man and he's after whatever valuables you have in that sack of yours. What to do? Well clearly he's got to be tempted again. That mirror now,i know, it's very powerful and you shouldn't give it up at all, but needs must. GIVE MIRROR TO ROY. See how his eyes sparkle with glee, he's really impressed but not quite satisfied. ROY, TOUCH MIRROR (still he hesitates, he's very delicate about breaking the glass, he wipes his hands with his silk hanky) ROY, TOUCH MIRROR (this is too much for Roy to resist, he touches the mirror and boy, does he regret it. His fingers are frozen to the mirror and he's dropped that knife. You can see your mate Al, just wandering along the street he can't see you, you must attract his attention. WAVE AT AL Now he's seen the situation for himself. He produce his trusty gun and fires directly at Roy, unfortunately Roy is in pain from the mirror and jerks his head out of the way, the bullet missis him by a cats whisker. He's sufficiently distracted though, to run off in to the streets. WEST Al promptly heads west, as you do, grabbing up the mirror as you go. Unfortunately the police saw it all happen and they don't like people firing guns in crowded streets. You see Al stopped by a burly patrolman. LISTEN TO COP (you hear poor Al being arrested and taken away). Don't at any price, put your mirror back in the sack here, roy is just waiting around the corner for you to do just that, he will return and you've finished. NORTH (following that wind). Now, with that strange wind blowing dust all over the place, you can put the mirror in the sack. Well well, this is really strange, of all things to happen. All the traffic is backed up along the street, everyone is still and there's a lamb lying right across the street, what the hell, you take a second look, you've not been on any weed, you are sure of that fact. But there it is. Well, why not stroke it, it looks harmless. It seemed to like that and you notice how soft and warm the wool is. STROKE (or TOUCH or PET) LAMB TAKE SHEARS (ah, you wondered why you bought those sheers, you did didn't you? ) SHEAR LAMB PUT WOOL IN BAG. DROP THE SHEARS (you don't need them any more). STROKE (or PET or TOUCH) LAMB (Ah, how nice, it skitters away and you are left alone again. Time resumes and that wind is blowing. Go in any direction here, you are getting clogged up by a dusty wind. Do it again a couple of times. Well, you can't move anywhere now, your skin is held tight by that crust formed from the dust. You are very tired as well. So:) SLEEP Z Z (Good heavens, what's this, you are all wrapped up in a cocoon). EXAMINE COCOON Now what to do.It's always wise to feel where you are, since you can't see anything. TOUCH COCOON (it's yielding, but you don't seem to be getting anywhere. Think, that's what one usually does. Ah, now, you remember a lot of things here, what Toby told you about in his dream and you are given a clue to:) LISTEN (there's water drops all around you.) WAIT (the water is soaking inside the cocoon now, the game gives you the clue here so), DRINK WATER (You now have escaped the cocoon). But now what, there is a tunnel to the west, so go along it. I bet you wish you hadn't now. WEST LOOK THROUGH BARS You can only see so much through these bars, lots of your friends are in exactly the same position. Try listening while you are here, that noise isn't helping matters any either. TAKE FLASHLIGHT, TURN IT ON. LOOK THROUGH THE BARS.(Ah, that's better you can see things much clearer now, you also notice that all of the cages are joined in a long star. Yours is beginning to shake a bit on its rope. Now I wonder, shake, you could help it along a bit here. SHAKE CAGE (well that certainly did something. Wow, why not try it again?) G (ah, an idea comes to you from way back at your boarding school, you used to love the swings didn't you, well, why not try swinging the cage?) SWING CAGE (off you go, it resisted a bit but you could give it another try). G G (swing cage again and again, all your friends are trying their best: Pat, Graham, though he wants some money before he will swing the cage Gina wants to help, matey al gets a little over inhumanities but he's missed as well. Ah, that's better, now you're swinging along nicely. Well now, you've swung towards someone you are asking them to swing their cage but they can't see well enough to do it properly keep swinging the cage. Now you swing the cage again towards Toby. Remember Toby has one big advantage, he's never seen light in his life, and being blind, his hearing is far better than yours. SHOUT AT TOBY (he hears you even through the noise now). SWING CAGE (your cages lock together) TOBY, FOLLOW MY VOICE (now you have his attention). TOBY, TOUCH BARS (he feels along the bars and finds a convenient bolt). TOBY, PULL BOLT (Toby pulls back the bolt now, that's fine the cage is open but somehow, you've to get down out of here and it's a long way down). TOBY, TOUCH ROPE (he's done that and discovers it's coiled up) TOBY, UNCOIL ROPE (well there we are and the rope is ready to cut). TAKE KNIFE CUT ROPE (now you must tell Toby to:) TOBY, CLIMB DOWN ROPE (down he goes and you must follow him make damn sure, you are wearing your sack and it's closed) FOLLOW TOBY You gather your things and wait another turn: TAKE ALL WAIT You are now in a long corridor, there's another strange smell, something you recognise but can't put your finger on. SMELL Ah parcels and like a post office, but this is far more than that and muchmore dangerous. Ah, where to start now, SEARCH GROUND (how careless of someone, there is a pass here). READ PASS (what, a shop steward. How important that is isn't it, don't you believe it, go in to the next section showing that side of your pass, and you are in real trouble, somehow, they aren't too keen on this union lark and you'll find yourself in real trouble, actually, you could do this, there is some information you need anyway, so let's go south now.) SOUTH (Ah, here's a red button do the obvious here) PUSH BUTTON (now you've done it, the factory advert starts playing. SAVE (your game now, because you are going to get sorted out, but at this stage, you want to, you'll see why in a moment) PUT PASS ON GRILL Wow, those goons didn't like that did they, a rebel in the factory, thiswon't do at all, you are roughed up a bit, then you have your nose sprayed with gas. You end up as a parcel on a conveyor belt, wrapped up ready for sending out, note, the number stamped on your forehead, it's important later on. Now, RESTORE the game (This time, turn your pass over, so the back with all the writing about the factory is showing.) PUSH BUTTON, PUT THE PASS ON THE GRILL (and the gates will open). SOUTH The receptionist wants your pass, make damn sure that the back is showing before you give it to her. If it is, she will take it and you can move on south again. What a place this is, there is a conveyor belt, examine it. There are lines of people being sent along it to be wrapped and sent out for delivery, they are like dolls, they have no life in them at all, but they were once humans. You don't want to end up like that and also, you've to move on and get on with what you have to do here. LOOK UNDER CONVEYOR Now, there is a small card but you can't quite reach it with your fingers and you need that card. TAKE KNIFE TAKE FLASHLIGHT TURN ON FLASHLIGHT (now, you can see better too) PRY CARD WITH KNIFE. X CLOCK. (this is like the old time clocks they used to have in factories, you have a very large face on it with figures all around it. All those people milling about back north of you, they are all middle management personal, a waste of time really but you need one of them at any rate. PUT CARD IN SLOT (ah, there was a click and you can now move on again south) SOUTH. (firstly, you must disguise yourself as a maintenance worker). WEAR THE UNIFORM, PIN THE ID BADGE ON UNIFORM. (right, you are now a fully fledged worker). X BOX X LOCK (it has two dials with figures on them. You did remember the number on your forehead didn't you?) SET FIRST DIAL TO 1 SET SECOND DIAL TO 2 OPEN BOX Hey! Come on, when you open boxes, they are supposed to open aren't they? Well now, you have no choice here. NORTH (oh god, that's all we want, damn insurance agents trying to sell you crappy policies, he's rather insistent. X CONVEYOR (Poor Toby, they've got him and it's your duty to save him from being wrapped up like a parcel and sent off to who knows where. Right, you need to get rid of this persistent agent. He won't let up until he gets a sale. So:)) SIGN FORM (you put a signature, that you hope will fool him for now, but he'll be back and there's Toby to rescue). SOUTH (back to the factory. Right, there's Toby and he's just passing by. GRAB TOBY. (okay now he's dead to the world and can do no good until you revive him. Did you examine the bottle of whisky you have in your sack, well flask actually. God, this stuff would take the paint of the oldest wall.) TAKE FLASK OPEN IT POUR WHISKEY INTO TOBY. (well, that sorted him, that stuff would wake the dead but he needs a little more). POUR WHISKY INTO TOBY (that's better now he can fend for himself, while you try and disable all this stuff and stop the conveyor belt forever). SOUTH (to the store room.) OPEN BOX (that's better, now you can see the fuses in the box. There's a large one, obviously the main one. Flip the switch, nothing seems to happen, but in fact it does). SEARCH TOOLS Ah, a trusty crowbar and a screwdriver. You must change the fuse wire in there, to a thinner gauge, so the fuse will blow later on. TAKE DRIVER (or SCREWDRIVER) REMOVE BLADE FROM DRIVER (the large blade won't fit the fuse at all, so you want it out of the way). UNSCREW TOP DROP TOP ATTACH SMALL BLADE TO SCREWDRIVER (okay this small blade will unscrew the fuse) UNSCREW SCREWS (OK, the fuse is open. Drop some stuff, the card and anything else you don't need, that crowbar for a start, now you can:) TAKE THICK WIRE DROP IT PUT THIN WIRE IN FUSE. SCREW SCREWS PUT FUSE IN BOX DROP DRIVER (you are ready now to disable the factory, first of all though, you've got to render them helpless to stop you did you ever examine that hunting horn? Did you blow it in the flat? If you did, then you know how powerful it is. Okay, drop everything but your sack, making sure first, you have your trusty flashlight and so on. You don't need the tools any more). TAKE HORN (now you're ready to frighten the hell out of everyone) BLOW HORN G (right, that's sorted them, now:) TAKE HAMMER SMASH FUSES DROP HAMMER NORTH (now, here's Toby. Aren't you curious about how he managed to get here? You bet you are because he's got a clue as to where you are going next. ASK TOBY ABOUT FACTORY (he relates a long tale as to how he got here, note at the end his description of a carpet he felt with his feet. He says that way, then points to the east. EAST (now this place is really strange. Look up, there's a hole n the ceiling you want to be up there, but how can you do it?Well, you are sunk in a really deep carpet. It's soft warm and yes, made of wool). Didn't we get some wool a long time ago from somewhere? You bet we did and now we need it. TAKE BAG INFLATE BAG (now, there's all this wool in the bag) TAKE WOOL THROW WOOL. Keep at it until you've created a mountain of the stuff to climb. Okay, when the bag is empty, put it back in your sack, you'll need it, now up you go.) UP G (and again, keep going) Whoops, you slipped all the way back down, good job that carpet is really deep. Up you go again, right up, until you reach the chamber. Now, this place is extremely confusing. If there's one thing, you hate is all those wise people giving you advice as to how to get out of the chamber. Which ever direction you seem to go in, you always seem to end up being told another one. up. Try doing that now. What, it didn't work, is this a walkthrough or what? Okay, try going down, as Pat advises you, oh dear, you seem to be a little lost again. Well try it again now.Ah, this is interesting. Here is Toby and his advice seems to be just that bit different, true, he doesn't tell you any direction to go, but he has given you a clue, though you may not know it yet. Now, he's disappeared, where to I wonder? Well, let's try going up now, we couldn't do that before but let's try. Ah, now we are in an empty chamber, no one telling us anything at all. All we have is a breeze blowing through the chamber. Okay, we are nearly out but how to break the deadlock. Toby actually gave you the answer. TOUCH BREEZE (well that was interesting now you know it is there, it didn't help much though did it? Really,i think we can do better than this. FOLLOW BREEZE (now that's more like it). (Okay, we are in a long tunnel. There's an older Elzerith here, just like your old aunt. Talk to her if you like. Okay you're sat down in this tunnel. Just wait a few turns. It is the waiting room so do that. Those glows are coming closer and closer. Wait until they reach you. Okay, here these glow are and there's no escape. Well then ) FOLLOW GLOWS G Hey this is different isn't it, a glass cliff. What to do here, you could try jumping off of it of course, buti wouldn't advise it really. Okay it's glass isn't it. Go on, be a devil SLIDE DOWN CLIFF. (Whoowhee! What a ride this is, best slide you've been on for many a year. Oh God no, not another forest surely? This is getting so boring, but this one holds a lot of important stuff for the end game. Right, here we are in the forest, now, let me think, there's a clue here, you are in the forest) THINK Ah you get a clue to the end game here, also, you now need to take out your mirror again. GAZE (or STARE) INTO MIRROR (Ah, Elzerith) is back, but much older now and clearly has something on her mind. TALK TO ELZERITH. Now, you did buy the batteries didn't you give flashlight to her she'll ask if you've any spare batteries well, answer the lady YES (she recharges the batteries now). Listen to what she's telling you by the way, she talks of making enemies. ASK ELZERITH ABOUT ENEMIES she has now given you a sceptre, that will prove useful later on. She also asks you for the bottle, give it to her to fill up with more liquid then put it in your sack. Okay, now we come to one of the strangest parts of the game, though if you are a fan of Genesis, it won't be. SOUTH X GROUND (ah, there's a red trail going west. But you can't go that way unfortunately). SOUTH FOLLOW TRAIL. (if that doesn't work) SOUTH (then) FOLLOW TRAIL (You find you are in a clearing, there's a strange sound). LISTEN FOLLOW TRAIL. Right, here you are and here, we se the most strange sight. There's a small spotted creature here. X TRUNK ( that tree has a word carved on it. Squonk) (okay, we really need that Squonk. Did you read that parchment properly? If so, the clue was there for you to see. Examine the squonk. Well it's very unhappy and it can't find anyone who cares about it because of the way it looks. We want that squonk very badly, he can help us in a wonderful way. How to catch him though. Now,i told you that rag would come in handy again sometime.) TAKE RAG PUT RAG NEAR EYES. Remember how onions used to make you cry? Well that's how this rag affects your eyes. You start shedding tears yourself. This will attract the squonk, he thinks you understand him now. TAKE SQUONK (NOW HE LETS YOU PICK HIM UP). WRAP SQUONK IN RAG lovely, he's really comfortable in there now and he's safely in your sack, but wrapped up and cared for. Perhaps, if you do things right, he may be able to help you later in the game. For now though, we have other more serious things to do okay wander along the southern path. SOUTH (until you eventually end up at the southern end of the forest and under threat from an even larger wolf than before. This one is a relative of the one you killed and he's not a happy bunny. He's thundering towards you, bent on your destruction. Right, one-eye, as he is called is not as easy to kill as his father. He's younger and more agile.) TAKE FLASHLIGHT. TURN IT ON. AIM FLASHLIGHT AT WOLF. (he's not afraid, he backs up a bit, but he certainly don't run). SAVE (because the wolf is quite capable of tearing you to shreds). TAKE SCEPTRE (he's prepared to kill now, he knows what's coming). RAISE SCEPTER (What? He got under your guard and killed you? Well, better restore hadn't you and try again. SWING SCEPTRE AT WOLF (until he's wounded now his wound is fatal. You could kill him very easily. However, those who played zork, will remember how the hooded figure wasn't killed. The wolf is badly injured, his paws scrabbling the earth. Okay now it's time for you to be magnanimous). TAKE CROWN GIVE CROWN TO WOLF. (give it to the wolf? You bet, it will be worth it). Okay he's pleased and you've shown mercy. There's just one more thing to do now. That wound, it's bad and it needs attention. TAKE MIRROR POINT MIRROR AT WOUND. Ah, how lovely his wound is cured. He gives you a lovely jewel and elzerith. Is pleased you've shown mercy as well. SAVE TURN OFF YOUR FLASHLIGHT, PUT THE JEWEL AND FLASHLIGHT IN SACK. PUT SCEPTER IN SACK (you will need it again very soon.) OK, make sure you have your mirror, we are about to enter the very end game, the moment you have been waiting for. TAKE MOBILE TAKE MIRROR POINT MIRROR AT MOBILE. Whoosh, off you go, the mist clears and: Yes, at last you are in the stadium where that long awaited concert is going to take place. The game told you your mobile was on. There's your clue, it must be on for a reason mustn't it. So, now's the time to use it. CALL AL (yes, he's turned up, despite him being arrested, wonder how he fixed that one, we will never know will we? anyway, he's here). CALL TOBY. (okay, you've your friend Toby begging you to get him a ticket. Okay, and you haven't even got a ticket for yourself yet, or have you? For now, you've a couple of things to do first. God, all he can go on about is the ticket you promised him. Well you've not got one even for yourself have you. FOLLOW QUEUE (Hell's teeth, it's a mighty long way to the gates isn't it?) G (what's this, you can see a familiar face amongst the crowd, it's that Roy and wherever he is, there's bound to be trouble isn't there? Right, time we sorted out your ticket problem, well Toby's actually. Remember that newspaper, you put it in the sack way back at the beginning of the game. Now, we need it again. Remember when you read it way back? You couldn't read the date of the newspaper could you. Try it again now. Nope you still can't read it, but somehow you feel there must be something going on here. Well, there's your mirror isn't there?) POINT MIRROR AT NEWSPAPER. (Now there was a flash of light there). READ DATE (Wow, things have certainly changed now, there is a ticket there where the date should be). REMOVE TICKET FROM NEWSPAPER (OK, you have the ticket now, you can give it to Toby when you see him. However, there's things to do, you know why you're here now, you've got to save a concert. Right, put everything in the sack you don't need, mobile, newspaper and so on.) TAKE HORN TAKE JEWEL BLOW HORN (wow, that stirred up something didn't it. BLOW HORN (ah, that jewel has opened up now, it's in two halves, that thing you saw in its centre long ago, turns out to be a solenoid) EXAMINE SOLENOID (Whoops, that Roy has seen the jewel now and he's armed with a rather nasty knife and determined to sort you out this time it's ime he was dealt with once and for all). TAKE SCEPTRE SWING SCEPTRE AT ROY. (Well I think that's sorted him, he's minus a hand now and matey Al has hauled him off to the security place, they've got enough on him to sort him for a very long time.) PUT JEWEL IN SACK Bow that you've seen that, that little solenoid is in fact a part for Tony Banks's keyboard. We've a couple of other things to get yet though. Now, the solenoid. It's in the sack. Time to sort out that old rusty bit of wire. TAKE RAG OPEN RAG (ah, the squonk has woken up and he's still unhappy) TAKE FLASK OPEN IT DRIP WHISKY ON RAG. Ah, now the Squonk liked that, he's licked up the whisky and is actually crying with happiness. Ratted in other words and ready for a bit of magic. TAKE WIRE RUB WIRE WITH RAG. (the tear soaked rag has flaked off all that rust now, it's become two very valuable bass strings for a guitar). TAKE LEATHER BAG PUT RAG IN BAG Presto! That leather bag has become, yes two drum skins. There's three things now, make sure they are all in the sack. Take the ticket, if you put it in the sack, you need that now. FOLLOW QUEUE (ah, here's Toby and he's asking for that ticket). GIVE TICKET TO TOBY (hang on, there's an announcement, the concert may not go ahead because of supply problems to the bands equipment. Well, that's something you've known all along, yet the public were all let in, perhaps they thought they could solve the problem. In fact you should be able to solve that for them, but, you haven't even got a damn ticket and you've just given your only one away!) FOLLOW QUEUE (Toby keeps tapping you on the shoulder and you loose your damn place in the queue. You get fed up with his questions about a silly text adventure game and give him his answer.Okay, now you've a problem, no concert, you've got the parts the band needs and you can't even get in to the inner stadium. SOUTH (you're outside the gates now, there's a guard here and he wants proof of who you are. TAKE WALLET OPEN IT TAKE ID CARD GIVE ID CARD TO GUARD (okay, he's seen your card, but you still can't get in without a ticket can you?) ASK GUARD ABOUT TICKET. He's not at all helpful, merely telling you, no ticket no entry, though he does point you to the east to reach a counter. First though, IN (to enter the inner stadium) (okay, there's not much hope, but go east, you may as well try for a ticket) EAST (Here’s a pretty and cunning girl on reception, she's well aware of the fact, you are desperate to buy a ticket and intends to make a killing on it). ASK GIRL ABOUT TICKET. (That greedy glint in her eyes tells it all doesn't it. 200 quid. God, you could buy so much for that kind of cash, but you must get in, or there will be no concert.) TAKE WALLET GIVE CREDIT CARD TO GIRL (Oh dear, your bank has changed the password. You can't use the one you used earlier at the Finefair checkout counter now.) SAVE(Well, you've to try the passwords again, until you find the right one. SAVE before you type the password. Okay, once you've bought the ticket) WEST IN (You are now in the inner stadium. Wander along south and east now. You will reach the stage door and there is Toby and what does he have? A bloody back stage pass of all things. How the hell did he get that you wonder. You feel peeved, he's never even heard any of the bands music, yet he's this back stage pass.) TELL TOBY ABOUT ARTICLE. (Toby is surprised and suggests that if you give the stuff to him, he will take it in to the band.This is a bit bloody much, he's not gone through all the battles you have, a point you make to him.He does remind you that, he did save your life in the cage. Reluctantly, you concede.) GIVE EQUIPMENT TO TOBY (off he goes, and he's got all the browny points. Z Z (there is an announcement over the loudspeakers. YOUR name comes first when it comes to talking about how the concert has been saved. Well, at least you've got a mention. Your arm is grabbed roughly but it's not Roy this time, it's your friend the guard, directing you into the band's dressing room Congrats all round as you are introduced to the band). SOUTH (to hear your concert. (you enjoy this very much. At the end however, there is a wind that blows you away away.... Back to your lonely flat. However, things are different now. There's no sight or sound for you at all. A silent dark world, you stretch, awake and think, was it all a mere dream?) FEEL AROUND HEAD X SELF. (ah, something on your head, of course cochlear implants, but where are they?) FEEL AROUND COMPUTER (ah, there they are). WEAR IMPLANTS (you put on the implants and what passes for hearing returns to you. As you put them on, a faint voice of your lady heroine comes to you. Oh, well, you suppose the dream was good anyway, you decide to wait a while you wake up.) WAIT (Hang on, who's this at your door at this time? You decide to open the door and let some folks in who are out there. Well well, it's the band themselves, come to congratulate you personally for saving their concert. Where's Toby now then?) The End. Below, are some alternative things in the game. At certain points, there are other ways of solving the game. They are printed below. In the flat. The main house phone may well be working. You can take the bill off the table, give it to Pat or Gina and write check to bt. Gina will then go away and pay the phone bill. Should the mobile have no credit on it and the main house phone be working, you can make a check out to t-mobile WRITE CHECK TO T-MOBILE if the computer isn't working, you can call graham either PAY GRAHAM FOR COMPUTER REPAIRS or WRITE CHECK FOR COMPUTER REPAIRS. Now, did you notice the humidor sitting on the table? Well, there was a lighter wasn't there in the left hand drawer. Open up the humidor. Ah, there's a pipe, three different types of tobacco. The trick here, is to examine the tobacco tins or pouch. So, there's a very mild one, there's also a really strong one and your favourite Balkan Subrani. Now, you need to mix just two of them together in the humidor before putting it in the pipe. You must empty the right ones in the humidor Open the Erinmore and the Pig’s Tail Do not open your favourite, it may be very nice but it won't solve your problem later on. EMPTY ERENMORE AND PIGS TAIL IN THE HUMIDOR Now, make sure you empty the Pig’s Tail and the Erinmore into the humidor. Put all in sack because this humidor is large and you can only carry it. Oh, don't forget to take the lighter from the left hand drawer while you are at it. PUT PIPE IN SACK CLOSE HUMIDOR TAKE IT SHAKE IT DROP IT OPEN IT TAKE PIPE PUT MIXTURE IN PIPE. Put pipe in sack and set off on your journey as described, until you reach the hogweed forest.You will still need to do everything else, except aim your flashlight at the hogweed. Instead of doing that: TAKE PIPE TAKE LIGHTER LIGHT PIPE BLOW SMOKE AT WEED. It may, or may not work, so save before you do it. Then with your knife, making sure you've dripped the liquid on it as described earlier in the walkthrough, cut the weed and carry on through the game. (Alternative Coffee Routine) if you decide to have a drink of coffee in the flat, only one, don't let the game tempt you in to drinking both cups, you must drink the last cup on the mountain road as you did earlier, before killing the wolf. Because you have drunk all the coffee, you can drop the thermos but keep the small cup and put it in your sack. Continue on with the game, until you reach the finefair market. Notice, now, that on that table, is another coffee machine. Go through the same filling routine, except you pour water jug into water reservoir, the rest, you do exactly as you did with the flat. You will find the milk and the coffee beans in the first aisle west of the market entrance, the one with all the lovely food in. When you drink the coffee, you will then remember your password for your card. Go ahead asi have described, remembering to save before you start trying the passwords, because the girl will rip your card up and that will be that if you get it wrong. Remember the dash with boots-on (Alternative fishing section). Okay, when you've finished with the hogweed and you reach the port and the fishing dock, you could, save, try paying the fishermen for your prawns. I have to say, they are very reluctant to take your money, they think better pickings can be had elsewhere, but you can try it, it just may work. Another way to do this is as follows. PUT MIRROR IN SACK TAKE HORN BLOW HORN TWICE Wow, that's really frightened them away, you what, they've taken the catch with them, that wasn't supposed to happen was it? Well, you can't have everything can you. WEST ENTER BOAT NOW GO WEST TWICE you are in the open sea ready to fish for your own prawns. Examine that lever, what a modern situation, no heaving of nets, PULL LEVER when you are circling in one spot to fish. The nets will lower into the water. X GLASS PANEL, (you can see if the nets catch anything). Wait a few turns, oh, better save before you do that, there's a nasty shark swimming about and he can sink your boat, not a good idea. There's an alarm flashing now on the panel, what's happened here? PULL LEVER (The nets will lift and presto, they are full of prawns, ready for you to put in your bag.) GO EAST TWICE (back to the wharf) EXIT (and continue to the Restuarant or the supermarket). Silly Things to Try: Blow the horn in the flat, see how long it is before your neighbour comes and sorts you out. If you don't do the coffee machine right, then you can get in real trouble as well. Try burning things with the lighter. Cutting things with the knife. Attacking persons or things. There may be other things in there as well, play around for yourself and try. Michael Gerwat.